Exploring Baby Botox: Insights from Dr. Laura Geige


In recent years, a trend known as “Baby Botox” has gained popularity in the world of cosmetic dermatology. This approach involves using smaller doses of botox to achieve subtle facial rejuvenation while preserving natural expressions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of Baby Botox, its benefits, applications, and insights from Dr. Laura Geige, a respected authority in cosmetic dermatology.

Understanding Baby Botox

Baby Botox refers to a technique where minimal amounts of botox are strategically injected into targeted facial muscles to achieve a softer, more natural look. Unlike traditional botox treatments that aim to completely immobilize muscles, Baby Botox aims to subtly relax them, allowing for more dynamic facial expressions while still reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Dr. Laura Geige emphasizes that the goal of Baby Botox is to enhance one’s features subtly rather than drastically altering their appearance.

Benefits of Baby Botox

Subtle Rejuvenation

Baby Botox allows for a gradual reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in a more refreshed and youthful appearance without looking overdone.

Natural Expressions

By using smaller doses of botox, Baby Botox preserves facial mobility and expression, preventing the “frozen” or unnatural look sometimes associated with traditional botox treatments.

Minimal Downtime

Since Baby Botox involves smaller injections, downtime is minimal, and patients can typically resume their normal activities immediately after treatment.

Customized Results

Baby Botox offers flexibility in dosing and precision in targeting specific areas of concern, allowing for personalized and natural-looking results tailored to each patient’s unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.

Common Applications of Baby Botox

Forehead Lines

Baby Botox can soften horizontal forehead lines while preserving natural brow movement and expression.

Glabellar Lines (Frown Lines)

By targeting the muscles responsible for frowning, Baby Botox can reduce the appearance of vertical lines between the eyebrows without completely immobilizing the area.

Crow’s Feet

Baby Botox can smooth fine lines around the eyes, commonly known as crow’s feet, while maintaining the ability to smile and squint naturally.

Lip Lines

Baby Botox can minimize the appearance of vertical lip lines (smoker’s lines) above the upper lip, allowing for smoother and more youthful-looking lips.

Neck Bands

Baby Botox can soften vertical neck bands or platysmal bands, restoring a more youthful neck contour without compromising neck movement.

Consultation and Treatment

Before undergoing Baby Botox treatment, patients should schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic dermatologist or plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the practitioner will assess the patient’s facial anatomy, discuss their aesthetic goals, and develop a customized treatment plan tailored to achieve subtle and natural-looking results. Dr. Laura Geige emphasizes the importance of clear communication and realistic expectations during the consultation process.

Procedure Overview

On the day of the Baby Botox treatment, the patient will be prepped by cleansing the treatment area and, if desired, applying a topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort. Using fine needles, small doses of botox will be injected into targeted facial muscles with precision and care. The entire procedure typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete, and patients can return to their normal activities immediately afterward.

Expected Results and Duration

Following Baby Botox injections, patients can expect to see gradual improvements in their facial appearance over the course of several days to weeks. The full effects of Baby Botox typically become apparent within 1 to 2 weeks and can last for 3 to 4 months on average, although individual results may vary. Dr. Laura Geige recommends scheduling periodic touch-up sessions to maintain the desired outcome over time.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

While Baby Botox is generally considered safe when administered by a qualified and experienced provider, there are potential risks and side effects to be aware of. These may include temporary bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection sites, as well as rare but serious complications such as eyelid drooping or asymmetry. It is essential to discuss any concerns or medical history with your practitioner before undergoing treatment.


Baby Botox offers a subtle and natural approach to facial rejuvenation, allowing patients to achieve smoother, more youthful-looking skin while preserving their ability to express themselves. With the guidance of a skilled practitioner like Dr. Laura Geige, patients can enjoy customized results that enhance their features without looking overdone. By understanding the benefits, applications, and considerations of Baby Botox, individuals can make informed decisions about their cosmetic treatments and achieve the desired aesthetic outcomes.

Cheek Filler

Enhances and contours the cheeks by strategically injecting dermal fillers, providing volume and definition for a more youthful appearance.

Harmonyca Hybrid Filler

A specialized filler combining hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite to address multiple facial concerns, including volume loss, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Calcium Hydroxyapatite

A long-lasting dermal filler composed of calcium-based microspheres, ideal for restoring volume and structure to areas such as the cheeks, chin, and jawline.

Dental Block

Local anesthesia administered to numb the mouth and surrounding areas, ensuring a comfortable and pain-free experience during dental procedures or cosmetic treatments.

Filler Dissolving

A procedure to dissolve unwanted or overfilled dermal fillers using hyaluronidase enzyme injections, allowing for corrective adjustments or reversal of filler treatments.

Jaw Slimming

Utilizes botox injections to relax and slim the masseter muscles, reducing jawline width and creating a more contoured and feminine facial profile.

Botox Lip Flip

A cosmetic procedure involving botox injections to relax the muscles around the upper lip, causing it to gently flip outward and create the appearance of fuller lips without dermal fillers.

CBD Dark Chocolate Rocky Road Fudge! (vegan/gf)
CBD Dark Chocolate Rocky Road Fudge! (vegan/gf)

Rocky. Road. Fudge. There I said it. And it’s deeeeeelicious.

Infused with CBD….even betta…this is a dream come true for this chocolate lover!

Did you know?

Dark chocolate is known to reduce stress?

Cannabidiol (our friend CBD) hella reduces stress duuuh!

Walnuts have terpenes that are known to help your gut health in turn helps your brain function and creates happy blissful feelings!

AND peanut butter is known to give you a boost of serotonin (your feel good harmones!)

This is the perfect homemade gift to give to that stressing momma of 3, to that overworked friend that needs a much needed mellow night or for you to enjoy on a nice relaxing cabin getaway eating that fudge in the hot tub……whaaaaaat! CBD take me awaaaaay!

You’ll want to make these ASAP! No baking involved. Naturally vegan and gf, what could be better!? Uhhh nada!

Whip these up and enjoy some bliss. and. balance!

Recipe adapted by:

so fresh n so green

serves 8-10


For The Peanut Butter Mixture:

  • ½ cup organic creamy peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted and cooled
  • 2 tbsp organic maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

For the Dark Chocolate Mixture:

  • 1 cup Dark Chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • ¼ cup organic coconut oil
  • ¼ cup organic full fat canned coconut milk
  • ¼ cup organic maple syrup
  • ⅓ cup finely chopped walnuts
  • ½ cup vegan marshmallows
  • ½ tsp sea salt + more for topping
  • 1 full ML of Sugar & Kush Hazelnut CBD Oil


  1. In a small saucepan over low heat, combine all dark chocolate ingredients except for marshmallows and CBD, and stir continuously until melted. Once thick, creamy and shiny remove from heat and set aside.
  2. Whisk together peanut butter ingredients in a medium sized bowl until smooth.
  3. Pour dark chocolate mixture into the peanut butter mixture and add the CBD oil and marshmallows, stirring with a spatula until well-combined.
  4. Line an 8×8 baking pan with parchment paper and spread mixture evenly in the bottom with the spatula. Option to sprinkle more chopped walnuts, marshmallows and sea salt on top.
  5. Let freeze for 1 hour in the freezer or minimum 3 hours in the fridge before eating AND ENJOY!

CAUTION: eating more than 1 may cause induced sleepiness AND THE BEST SLEEP OF YOUR LIFE! All the praise hands for that one…am I right.